How to Avoid Worry, Stress and Anxiety

Many people have problems with anxiety, worry, and stress. Feelings of anxiety or stress have in common in draining energy, even to the point of making the sufferer lose enthusiasm for life. Starting from disrupting sleep patterns, reducing appetite, causing headaches, and making the body’s resistance decrease over time, the negative effect is that sufferers will more easily fall ill.

It is not easy to get rid of anxiety, especially the stress that people feel almost every day. However, you still have to find ways to deal with these negative feelings so they don’t get worse and interfere with your activities or even your health.

There are many easy ways to help deal with stress, worry, and anxiety, start by asking for help and support from those around you. In addition, changing your lifestyle is also a powerful way to deal with excessive worry, anxiety, and stress.

Doing Sports or Exercise

Doing exercise is proven as the best way and most effective way you can choose to relieve stress. Regular exercise, will reduce stress hormones in the body in the long term, improve sleep quality, and will feel more confident.

No need to do strenuous exercise; try to take time to do light exercise that can be done anytime and anywhere such as walking, running, or yoga.

Regular exercise can help reduce anxiety, worry, and by releasing endorphins and improving sleep and your body’s self-image.

Take supplements if needed

If needed, you can also take several types of supplements that are good for increased anxiety, worry, and stress reduction; among these supplements are lemon balm, omega-3 fatty acids, green tea, valerian, and kava-kava.

Certain supplements can indeed reduce feelings of anxiety or stress, but some of these supplements can have side effects if taken too often.

Therefore, before deciding to take supplements to reduce anxiety, worry, or stress, you should consult with a more skilled doctor.

Aromatherapy candles

You can use essential oils and lighting aromatherapy candles can also help with anxiety and stress. Currently, there are many types of aromatherapies that you can use. Here are the most recommended scents for a calming effect Rose, Lavender, Vetiver, Roman Chamomile, Bergamot, Neroli, Sandalwood, Frankincense, Orange blossom, Geranium, or Ylang Ylang, and many more.

Several studies have shown that some aroma therapies can reduce anxiety and give you quality sleep. Aromatherapy can help reduce anxiety and stress.

Reduce caffeine consumption

Caffeine is also known as a stimulant. It can be found in tea, coffee, energy drinks, and also chocolate. Consuming too high a dose of caffeine can raise your anxiety.

Everyone has varying sensitivity to consuming caffeine. If you feel caffeine will make you more anxious and worried, you may want to cut back on it to be more relaxed.

Although there are many studies claim that coffee is healthy in moderation, it comes back to the body’s tolerance for it. Because high amounts of caffeine can increase anxiety and stress.

Write anything you want

Another easy way to deal with stress and worry is by writing. You can record what you are grateful for during your life. Gratitude can help with anxiety and stress by focusing on the positive vibes and putting them in your thoughts.

Keeping your journal will help you to relieve anxiety, worry, and stress, and try to focus and keep positive.

Spending time with the closest people

Social support from friends and family is one easy way that can help you get through stressful times. There is a study that said, woman, should spend their time hangout with family, children, and, friends to help them release oxytocin or a natural stress and worry reliever. This is called “tend and befriend,” which is different from the response of fight-or-flight.

Having strong social bonds can help you get through stressful times and lower your risk of excessive anxiety in life.

Try to be happy and laugh

In a state of anxiety and stress, of course, laughing can be the most difficult thing to do. Therefore, you need to be in a social environment that can spread positive energy that can make you laugh easily.

Laughing can relieve and relax the tension of the muscles. It is an assurance that laughter certainly helps you to boost the immune system in your body and also your mood. Find humor in everyday life, spend time with funny friends or you can easily watch comedy shows to help relieve stress.

Take a yoga class

Yoga is very well known at the moment as a method to relieve stress and become an exercise for all ages. Yoga has the goal to gain breath and body awareness.

Overall, studies have found that yoga can improve mood and may even be as effective as antidepressant medications at treating anxiety and stress. In general, the benefits of yoga can help lower stress hormone levels and blood pressure.

Cuddling with lover

Cuddling time by kissing, hugging, or even making love is considered quite effective in helping to overcome stress. The positive touch of hugs, cuddles, kisses, and sex can help reduce stress by releasing oxytocin and lowering blood pressure.

Listening to music

You have to listen to music so you can experience a relaxing effect that you can feel on your body. Music instrumental can make your response relaxed by reducing the pressure of lower blood and the heart rate and also hormones of stress.

There are some types of Celtic; classical, Indian, and Native American music to make you relax. Listening to your favorite type of music will effectively reduce your anxiety and stress.

The sound of nature is also felt to be calming for people with excessive anxiety and stress. That is why nature sounds are often having a relation with relaxation and music for meditation.

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